Equine Breeding Genetics Presentation: Dr Emmeline Hill
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*Please note the change of date from 8 January, now to the 9 January [12-2pm] due to a racemeeting
Tom Callaghan of the TBA has managed to organise the leading scientist in Equine breeding genetics to be in KZN, at the Nottingham Road Hotel on the 9th January, from 12-2pm for a presentation to the breeders.
Dr Emmeline Hill of Equinome has given seminars to a number of Thoroughbred Breeders Associations - Irish TBA, TBA UK, TB Victoria Australia, Hunter Valley TBA Australia and a number in the USA.
Tom Callaghan is quite excited to have Emmeline here to share her expertise with us.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Please rsvp to candiese@kznbreeders.co.za for catering purposes.
Click on the link for further information regarding 'Equinome'(PDF)