Lot 296. #KZNBred. Blue Sky Thoroughbreds
Lot 296. Blue Sky Thoroughbreds. Danon Platina – Rain Gal colt sells for R450k. #KZNBred # Lot 296. Blue Sky Thoroughbreds. Danon Platina – Rain Gal colt sells for R450k. Thanks to JC Photos for the pictures. #KZNQuality#BlueSkyThoroughbreds#DanonPlatina#RainGal#yearlingsales2024 @Blue Sky ThoroughbredsBloodstock South Africa Thanks to JC Photos for the pictures. #KZNQuality#BlueSkyThoroughbreds#DanonPlatina#RainGal#yearlingsales2024 @Blue Sky ThoroughbredsBloodstock South…