Lot 296. #KZNBred. Blue Sky Thoroughbreds

Lot 296. #KZNBred. Blue Sky Thoroughbreds

Lot 296. Blue Sky Thoroughbreds. Danon Platina – Rain Gal colt sells for R450k. #KZNBred # Lot 296. Blue Sky Thoroughbreds. Danon Platina – Rain Gal colt sells for R450k. Thanks to JC Photos for the pictures. #KZNQuality#BlueSkyThoroughbreds#DanonPlatina#RainGal#yearlingsales2024 @Blue Sky ThoroughbredsBloodstock South Africa Thanks to JC Photos for the pictures. #KZNQuality#BlueSkyThoroughbreds#DanonPlatina#RainGal#yearlingsales2024 @Blue Sky ThoroughbredsBloodstock South…

Lot 292. #KZNBred. Blue Sky Thoroughbreds

Lot 292. #KZNBred. Blue Sky Thoroughbreds

Lot 292. Blue Sky Thoroughbreds. William Longsword- Private Dancer colt sells to Bronkhorst Racing for R170k. Thanks to JC Photos for the pictures. ##KZNQuality#BlueSkyThoroughbreds#WilliamLongsword#PrivateDancer#BronkhorstRacing#yearlingsales2024 @Bronkhorst RacingBlue Sky Thoroughbreds Thanks to JC Photos for the pictures. ##KZNQuality#BlueSkyThoroughbreds#WilliamLongsword#PrivateDancer#BronkhorstRacing#yearlingsales2024 @Bronkhorst RacingBlue Sky Thoroughbreds

#KZNBased: Act Of War – A good bet!

#KZNBased: Act Of War – A good bet!

Encouraging article in TurfTalk about the KZNBased stallion, Act Of War. Although his ten lots on the sale so far have only averaged R180k at the @Bloodstock South Africa Yearling sale, there could be future SA Triple Crown winners lurking amongst them –https://www.turftalk.co.za/act-of-wars-progeny-bought-by…/ #KZNBased#ActOfWar#KZNQuality

National Yearling Sales Day One wrap up

National Yearling Sales Day One wrap up

Perhaps its the recent news that the EU has lifted export protocol restrictions, or maybe its the begining of a new and brighter period for South African bloodstock, but yesterday’s opening day of the 2024 @BBloodstock South Africa National Yearling Sale broke all records in the best ways possible. You can read Sporting Post summary…